Periodically we have occasion to offer immersive workshops that explore how to use Communicative Language Teaching approaches, with special attention given to the soon to be released materials of the Biblical Language Center: a newly reworked first-year online biblical Hebrew curriculum that will come with an integrated teacher’s manual.


The Biblical Language Center believes that speaking and thinking in a language is crucial for biblical language fluency.  Second Language Acquisition studies have shown that speaking a language is a catalyst for truly internalizing a language.  BLC Fluency Workshops work on skills necessary for efficiently applying Communicative Language Teaching methods to the classroom. Our workshops run “immersion” style with the entire day taking place in Koine Greek or Biblical Hebrew.  Both full group sessions and small groups led by a team of facilitators provide maximum personal attention and practice.

For more, read the blog–“Why Fluency Workshops?”

Since 2010 the Biblical Language Center has led Fluency Workshops for Koine Greek in Israel and Fresno, California.
See reports from past Workshops:
Summer 2012, Koine Greek Instructors in Fresno
Blog: 2012 Koine Greek Fluency WorkshopWinter 2012, Koine Greek: “Jesus in Jerusalem”
Blog: What Happened at “Jesus in Jerusalem”, Koine Greek Immersion Workshop (2012)Summer 2011, Koine Greek Instructors in Fresno
Blog: What Happened at the Greek Instructors Fluency Workshop in Fresno, Aug 2011Spring 2010, Koine Greek “Jesus in the Galilee”
Blog: BLC’s “Jesus in the Galilee”
Blog: Reading and discussing John 2 in Cana – all in Koine Greek